These run from March - October each year and last for 8 weeks. Classes are held outdoors and puppies and young dogs up to 12 months of age can attend. You'll learn a whole range of basic obedience skills, social interactions and more and they're great fun!
£50 for an 8 week course payable in advance
The perfect follow on course from Puppy/ Beginners or for those who already know the basics and wish to take things a step further!
Raise the bar obedience wise and learn how to teach your dog to a higher level.
Great social interaction and fun too
£50 for an 8 week course payable in advance
These are perfect for dogs who may be nervous, fearful, anxious or reactive or even just for those who are yet to learn to be calm in and around other dogs!
It's a 45-60 minute group walk in a controlled setting with me guiding owners and dogs throughout helping teach them to be calm, relaxed and enjoy a group dog walk setting
These help you learn how to better read your own dogs body language and that of others.
How to correctly disengage, find balance, read energy levels and know when your dog has reached his limits for the day.
£15 per walk - payable and booked in advance. LIMITED number per walk
These are a massive success and are a perfect way to introduce your new puppy to other dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes and people too! Great for building confidence and helping them learn doggy body language from the get go with a trainer and behaviourist (that's me!) on hand to answer any questions on issues you may need help with too!
£15 for 4 x play dates payable in advance. Limited numbers per group
Perfect for those who want to help socialise their dog and may not know where too do this or have any doggy friends! A calm relaxed walk with me on hand to answer any questions on issues you may be having with some fun social interaction at the end too. Enjoyable for both dogs and owners
£15 per walk. Payable in advance. Limited numbers per walk
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